Wednesday, March 11, 2009

SXSW Mania

Yep, it's that time again. SXSW Fever is in full swing here in the ATX. There have been a slieu of RSVP's inundating the ol' e-mail inbox. I'm an RSVP maniac and will pimp out my e-mail address to any and all that will have me at their free parties. I've done a poor job of keeping up with everything I've RSVP'ed, too, though.

Now comes the time to get serious, though, and figure out where I'm gonna be when. There are a few bands I am really interested in checking out.

American Analog Set
Peter, Bjorn and John
Camera Obscura

Luckily they're playing some free parties that I'm willing to endure the long lines to get into.

And, as an added bonus, I was lucky enough to win an Interactive badge this year. The interactive fest is a techie/nerd's paradise. There are some interesting panels this year, I plan to attend a few of them. But more importantly, there's a ton of parties with free booze and food! Woot!