Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One Helluva Day!

Yesterday I went into the doctor's office for my routine allergy immunotherapy injection. I've been doing this for almost two years now so I'd grown used to the routine. Sometimes I'd get sneezy, sometimes I'd get a huge hive in the spot where I got the injection, once my face even turned as red as a tomato but a little Benadryl took care of that. Yesterday, though, got a little crazy!

I waited the customary 30 minutes in the office after getting my shots but then I started sneezing ucontrollably, my face got hot, and my eyes got swollen. Since I was still at the office I asked to see the nurse but bumped into my allergist on the way. He looked concerned and ordered a shot of epinephrine right away. Let me tell you: that stuff is cray! They told me it'd make me jittery and they weren't kidding. Then they gave me Benadryl which makes me seriously drowsy. I had two nurses taking my vitals and the doctor listening to my lungs. Being prone to anxiety attacks I was worried at first that this Epi shot would send me into freak out mode, but the staff was very attentive and that helped. After sitting in an observation room for twenty minutes and my congestion still not subsiding the doctor gave me three Prednisone. That did the trick in ten minutes but the nurse warned that it would increase my appetite. My reaction: awesome (because overeating is exactly what I need to be doing right now)! I decided to take myself home since I wasn't sure what to expect from the combo of these three meds and I slept a good long while.

Luckily, I got up around 2, and although still feeling a little spacey I was able to bake the cake I'd promised for a friend's birthday. It was Cody's birthday and he, Jessica and I had decided to have a Scrabble throwdown. Super Nerds in the house! Jessica got together a special activity for us to do while snacking on our awesome Costco pizza:

(nevermind the religious overtones of this photo)

Cody got done with his page rather quickly, even though he added some pizzazz by adding an American flag and fireworks to the background (not pictured here). Although you can't see it clearly, but the beer Jarrett is drinking, Old Chub, became the unsung hero of the evening providing lots of good laughs by way of one liner advertisements that could work for the strong brew.


The Scrabble match was intensified. But Cody came out the winner narrowly edging me out of the top spot by four measley points. I decided to be a good sport about it since it was his birthday.

Madelyn, Cody's wife, was able to join us after her class and we all joined in for a round of Happy Birthday for Cody. Despite Jessica shouting in the middle of our Scrabble match that "The cake [was] gonna suck ass!" I think everyone agreed that it was rather tasty, so was the Napoleon ice cream. :) The birthday gathering really reminded me of something right outta 5th grade: pizza, soda pop, cake, ice cream, and Old Chub! Awesome!!!

The Ready Whip we busted out led to jokes about... You guessed it: Whip Its! Jessica yelled out, "Jarrett, we wanna learn how to huff!" Being the good sport that he is, Jarrett, or more accurately, Jarrett's brain cells took one for the team:

Which led to my favorite Old Chub ad of the evening: When life leads you to huffing, Old Chub!

Here are the mostly finished products from our Obama coloring fest:

Clockwise going from the top left: Jarrett, Cody, Jessica, and mine which Jarrett dubbed the Braveheart Obama.

Good times!

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